Saturday, September 11, 2010

Play Date and Remembering 9/11

This morning Timothy had to work to make up for some rain days this week, or I should say flood days because I don't think the word 'rain' really covers it. Anyway, it was just me and the boys for our weekly Wal-Mart run today. We always go early because it's less crowded and because we are already up so we might as well get it over with. It has been so frustrating the last few weeks since they have decided to remodel our store and I still can't find anything! I had to ask someone today where the cat litter had moved to and was informed that it is now where the baby section used to be. And that's just one item.... it's like someone took everything in the store and threw it up in the air just to see where it would land. Oh well, I'm sure I will get used to it eventually. Nobody likes change once they are comfortable with something.

After shopping we came home and put away groceries and then took off again to go have a play date with our dear friends. Sally and I have been friends since we were 11 and met on the bus going to 6th grade. She and her husband Brent had two wonderful kids almost the same ages as Collin and Owen. Cooper in 7 months older than Collin and Sadie is 4 months older the Owen. For the most part they all get along really well which is awesome for me because I get to hang out with my friend. It's really sad that we don't live closer to each other to be able to visit more often. Here is a picture of Cooper and Collin playing Wii (I think it was Mario Kart)

It was Collin's first time to play on a Wii and it was pretty intense.  Big thanks to Brent for coaching Collin through the game!

Of course today is the anniversary of 9/11 and Timothy and I were watching a program about it on the History channel tonight. There are no words to describe the horror of that day. I was glued to the TV tonight just like I was 9 years ago on that Tuesday morning and I would not be surprised if I have nightmares of those burning towers tonight just like I did in 2001. I feel like I should reach out to everyone I know and tell them I love them. I remember all too well where I was and what I was doing that day just as I'm sure all of you do. I remember that feeling of helplessness wanting to do something for all those people so far away. I remember wanting to call everyone I knew to make sure they were alright even though they were nowhere near the sites affected. I remember the feeling of unity that brought our country together because we were all living the same nightmare. Strangers talking to and comforting each other in ways that we would never have done the day before. I remember the utter stillness of no planes in the air for days after. I remember the beauty of a country drawn together that was born of such horror. I remember the flags flying everywhere. Remembering is important and I will never forget.

I would like to close today with a huge Thank You to everyone who has ever served our country and fought to provide the freedoms we enjoy today. God bless you.


  1. Well said daughter. What were you doing on 9/11? I was teaching a high school ESL (Eng. 2nd language) math class. I turned on the TV and left it on. At first the students were interested, but they soon lost interest. That made me angry. My country was under attack! How dare they not care. Finally, one of my students ask if I would change channels to a Spanish channel. Then they watched! Duh!

  2. I only woke up early because I had to be at work at 9 that day. I had to tear myself away from the tv to leave for work. The first tower fell while I was listening to the radio in the car on the way there. When I got to Kroger I had to tell everyone what had happened because they hadn't heard yet. Of course they didn't believe me and we all dug out a little radio to listen together. After a few minutes the manager told me she had changed the scheduled and would need me to work 3-11 that day instead of 9-5. Everyone was in a state of shock. I listened as the second tower fell on my way home.
    That day I thought back to the last time I had heard the phrase "terrorist attack" with the bombing of the Federal Building in OKC and I finally understood the shock and sadness of my Freshman English teacher in HS as she told us what had happened.

  3. Well said on all counts. It will be hard to ever forget that gripping fear and confusion we all felt that morning. I was at school. The old building we were in was being worked on. After we found out what happened, the power went out because of the construction, and I remember sitting in this windowless lecture hall, holding hands tightly with the girl next to me, scared to death. You know how you can be in a room when the power goes out, and at least one person will yelp or scream? This room was completely silent. Microcosmic compared to what everyone in New York felt that day. I'm glad we all still remember it. I wish we could always access that brotherly love we felt that day and the days following.

    On a lighter note, I love pics of Collin and Cooper. It's like looking at little boy versions of you and me...particularly that height difference. ;)

  4. Oh ha ha! I didn't even think of that! Always the tall blonde and the short brunette. :) Now we just have to wait and see how Owen and Sadie turn out. I think she is still a little bit taller... for now.
