Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I gave Collin and Owen haircuts tonight. I just started cutting their hair this year and I kind of wish I had been brave enough to try it sooner. I really didn't like to pay someone $15 plus tip to cut Owen's hair when he just screamed the whole time. It was stressful for everyone, but mostly for him. He still doesn't like it when I cut his hair, but at least he doesn't scream his head off. I think Collin would rather have someone else do his hair, not because he cares how he looks but because he doesn't like getting his hair cut in the bathroom, but I figure if I can save $15 and he looks decent then it's a good deal.
Here they are after haircuts and baths tonight:

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be thankful for. I should blog about that....

1 comment:

  1. My grandpa used to cut my hair when I was young. I never minded it, my dad was upset about it all the time. You do good babe.
