Thursday, November 22, 2012

How My Cousins Changed the Way I Think

Timothy's cousin Benny lives in Colorado. Before this year I had met him once, briefly, at a funeral with lots of other Nowells that I was meeting for the first time. Through the magic that is the Internet we ended up Facebook friends. Then someone friend requested the other because we have the same last name and I was Facebook friends with his wife Niki too. Little did I know at the time that sending/confirming those friend requests would actually change some of my outlooks on life. I have had the chance to hang out with them and their awesome kids twice this year. In Texas and Colorado.

I now have 2 more strong prayer warriors that I know I can call on any time. Also, there just aren't enough nerds in the world so I'm happy to have expanded that group as well. Niki has especially become one of my closest friends (it's a girl thing) and I'm so happy to have her in my life.

Benny and Niki have a group called Sevens that works with the homeless in Denver. They work with others to provide a meal for their street friends once a week. If you are able, you may consider a donation to help. You can check out the website here.

Since getting to know my Colorado cousins (mostly online) I have a whole new outlook on homeless people. Before I was just scared of them and would avoid eye contact and probably hold tighter to my purse. Now, when I can, I try to help. I will go back into a store I've just come out of and buy a snack for someone. Honestly, it still makes me a little nervous, but it also makes me feel good to help someone.

Yesterday I stopped for gas while I was out with the boys. Normally they will stay in the car while I pay at the pump and fill up. I noticed two men sitting near the dumpster across the parking lot. One of them was very old and frail looking. After getting gas, I took the boys inside and bought hot dogs and water and a couple other items for them. I explained to the kids that the two men didn't have a place to live. They understood and wanted to help. We took the food out to them and told them happy thanksgiving and God bless. They smiled and the younger one waved to the kids as we left.

I believe that helping people without question or judgement is what God would have us to do. Too bad it's not easier to do because the world would probably be a better place.

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