Sunday, August 29, 2010

Baby Moses

Our extended family's newest addition is doing better today! Hayden has a heart condition called transposition of the great arteries. Basically the 2 arteries that lead to his heart are reversed so the blood is going in the 'out' door and out the 'in' door. This means that the oxygen is not getting from his lungs to the blood. (FYI - I feel like an idiot explaining all this and I just learned it from Google today. I'm NOT a doctor and I don't even play one on T.V.) The surgery to correct this problem seem fairly non-invasive and they fix it with a catheter line fed through a vein and a little balloon attached to it. We don't have a surgery date yet, but it should be within the next 2-4 days. 
Now I will switch you to a new, but related topic. Recently I have developed an issue with the church that we have been attending for the last couple of years. We are Lutheran if you're wondering, but I don't think that matters as much as just Christian. Anyway, our church has been really emphasizing their need for money and our obligation to give it to them and it just got to be too much for me. I don't feel like they should preach guilt or money as often as they do. I fully understand the church's need for money, but I also fully understand some people's inability to give that money and I think all people should be able to come and hear God's word and not worry about how much they are dropping into the collection. I would assume that most people, like my family, are giving what they can. So to make a long story a bit less long, I made the painful decision to  not go back and I will be teaching Sunday school at home for now. This is not a permanent change and we will look for a new church home, but for now I think this is the right thing to do. Just as I don't pretend to be a doctor, I certainly don't pretend to be qualified to answer all the questions Collin and Owen will no doubt have about God.... but I think I can handle teaching them Bible stories. 
How in the world is this related to baby Hayden? Good question. Here goes:
I really wanted to find a way to connect a Bible story to Hayden so I started to search the website that I use for Sunday school materials and crafts and found a cute craft to make for baby Moses. I realized that Moses and Hayden actually have a lot in common. They were both loved tremendously by their families especially their mothers who would do anything to ensure their safety. Both babies were in danger. Jochebed hid Moses for 3 months from Pharaoh's soldiers who had orders to kill all newborn boys, and of course, Hayden was not completely healthy when he was born. Jochebed made what had to be the hardest decision of her life and placed her baby in a basket in a river and trusted him to the Lord's care. We all know the story, but have you stopped to think how horrible that must have been? There is a species called the Nile Crocodile. I think that says it all. She had no idea what would happen to her sweet baby, but she trusted God. Our 21st century baby 'baskets' are a bit more updated. We just call it an incubator. But I can assure you that it was just as heart-wrenching for Sheila to watch her baby be taken away in that basket as it was for Jochebed all those years ago. Now it's time to trust God. Of course Moses grew up to be a great and powerful man of God, just as I know Hayden will be. And the neatest part: Moses and Hayden both had big brothers named Aaron! :)
On a side note I would like to add that I don't mean to take away from the pain I'm sure Hayden's daddy is feeling right now. I'm sure David wishes he could be in three places at once to take care of everyone. I just feel like I can relate more to how Mom is feeling because I'm a mom.
Another side note: If you can hear the name Moses without singing "Moses supposes his toses are roses" in your head then you just haven't seen enough movies.

This is a picture of the craft that Collin and I made today. Owen got horribly offended that I wanted to cut out his pictures after he colored them so his never made it to the final product, but I'm fine with that because I think he had fun. Note to self: watch the 2-year-old with crayons more carefully next time to avoid the scrubbing of floor and table after. Also: Mr Clean magic erase sponges are awesome!

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